I have not updated in a while. My bad... But the goal is to get a post up every month. If I don't please spam me.
Last time I posted I was starting the fall semester of my Junior year at Memphis College of Art.

It was definitely an art filled semester. I was in The Hope House's Annual Art for Hope fundraiser and Memfix. Both events were fun experiences even though I was dead tired after the end of each one. They were totally worth it.
Oh also because of those events I forced myself to make spiffy business cards which if you want one I would gladly mail you one!
I also ended up spraining my left wrist which coincidentally is my drawing hand so I learned how to be decently ambidextrous as well.The pieces below I mostly had to do while my wrist was messed up.
( I don't see how people are right handed.)
Until later guys, bye!